Davis Gauntlett - Identity Theory

 David Gauntlett 

1. We get some of our identity from the media.

2. In the past, representation was a lot more simple. Now it's much more complicated. 

Gauntlett says there are three things people identify with in the media:




Personal Identity

Fluidity - People don't have a fixes identity that is permanent

Constructed - Tha mass media constructs identities in the representation it offers us. Their representations have a subtle influence on an audience 




- Non-binary (They/them/theirs)

- Queer 

- Open about mental health struggles/ is a suicide survivor/ recoverer

Chelsea Hart or @chelseahartisme on Instagram is an influencer on both TikTok and Instagram who discusses serious worldwide issues in a comedic way. They're mostly known for roasting misogynists, racists, homophobes, corrupt governments, and dictators on their platforms. Often not being afraid to cuss those people out. 


Chelsea is Non-Binary as their Instagram bio says. 

They often dress both femininely and masculinely on their page, never sticking to one style in particular. Strong cheekbones and really short hair but wear makeup all the time. Chelsea often talks about how the way you dress doesn't dictate your gender identity. How non-binary people don't owe others androgyny. She shows this by dressing however masculine or feminine they want to without caring about others' expectations. Chelsea often preaches about trans rights and women's rights often breaking down violations of these rights by country officials and heavily slandering them. Safe to say gender is very important to Chelsea and they display it in full force on their page. 


Chelsea is very proud about being queer. Their bio even has a rainbow flag. Chelsea makes their page a safe space for any queer or LGBTQ+ people who watch their content. Enforcing the love and support to LGBT people around the world and hounding anyone who dares be homophobic. 
